J.A. Montgomery Consulting is offering live, virtual instructor-led safety training classes via the Zoom Platform to Only Members of the NJCE Joint Insurance Fund. Click on NJCE LIVE Monthly Training Schedules Link below to view the live virtual safety training monthly schedules, registration instructions and links to register for the classes.
NJCE Live Monthly Training Schedules
“If you are already logged into a M365 account you may be asked to sign into your Microsoft account again when accessing the Live Monthly Training Schedules as your system is validating credentials to gain access to Onedrive/SharePoint.”
NJCE and JA Montgomery Consulting are excited to announce the New, streamlined process for submitting NJCE LIVE Group Sign-in Sheets following the completion of a course via Zoom.
Starting January 1, 2025
PLEASE NOTE: The Group Sign in Sheet only needs to be completed and submitted if the Training was done in a Group Setting and should not be completed if the user logged in on their own and viewed the training.
To Submit the NJCE LIVE Group Sign-in Sheet with your groups’ information you will click on the Link or QR Code below:

Please Submit Within 24 Hours
NJCE Learning Management System
Students/Users – Contact your Agency’s Training Administrator to send you the login link and activation code to set up your account. You will see your new username and create your password through this process. NJCE LMS LOGIN